Monday, 21 May 2018

Recommended Books

1. The Martian- Andy Wier

A humorous and entrancing book about determination, spirit, and best of all: astroscience.

2. Thrawn-Timothy Zahn

NOT just another Star Wars fan book. This tale encompasses certain themes like indomitable spirit, the meaning of life and racism, without you even noticing it! (most of the time).

3. Bone Music:The Legend of Ghengis Khan

The morals are little more hidden, but they include loyalty, sexism and determination. Overall, it is a hugely entertaining exaggerated account of actual events.

Compiled by Colden Sapir


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have read "The Martian", and found it absolutely thrilling! I agree with Colden on the proposal that this book should be read to the class. :)
