- Don't put stuff online that you wouldn't want your family seeing
- Only post work that is your own
- All posts must be approved by Miss Cappel
- Don't put personal information online
- Don't post inappropriate or irrelevant comments
- Ensure devices are safe
- Be safe online
- Only tweet or go on sites that are about Chapter Chat
- No hashtags, emojis, gifs or silly pictures
- Write in full words, not txt language or slang
- Use full stops and capital letters
Our Character Descriptions
16 children – 16 photos: Click the black background and switch on their reality
Click through 16 photographs in which everything other than a child refugee has been removed. This could easily be central Copenhagen or downtown London. But it isn’t. And couldn’t be when you switch on the background to highlight their reality.
W1 (W3): 12th - 16th Feb, pages 1-55
W2 (W4): 19th - 23rd Feb, pages 56-103
W3 (W5): 26th - 2nd March, pages 104-146
W4 (W6): 5th - 9th March, pages 147-191
W5 (W7): 12th - 16th March, pages 192-235
W6 (W8): 19th - 23rd March, pages 236-284
W7 (W9): 26th - 29th March, pages 285-336
Chapter Chat: Refugee by Alan Gratz
CC12 REFUGEE - Y7/8, W6: Tasks & Questions
W6: Pages 236-284
TASKS - Choose from the following...
1. ART - Draw a picture of what Miami looked like from Isabel's boat, or draw a picture of Mahmoud's father getting whacked in the Immigration Detention Center, or draw a picture of Mahmoud walking out of the Prison in front of the UN people.
2. HELP REFUGEES IN NEW ZEALAND - The RED CROSS support new refugees in New Zealand and they are always looking for help. They have a website where you can donate goods or volunteer to help new refugees who arrive in NZ. How can we help? Why not make a poster or video advertising the RED CROSS and the work they are doing for refugees. In fact why not spread the message as far and wide as you can (School newsletters, posters, tweets etc...)
3. Make the brochure that advertises the MS St. Louis. "The St. Louis is a ship on which everyone travels securely, and lives in comfort."
4. Timeline Activity - TWINKL TEMPLATE
5. MATHS - Map out in Km's the distance Mahmoud, Isabel and Josef travelled on their journey's. What was the distance between each country or city? Add up the total distances.
6. RESEARCH - Research the United Nations, or Research the MS St. Louis. TWINKL TEMPLATE
7. HANDS-ON - Make a paper boat. TWINKL TEMPLATE
8. WRITING - Write a report on WWII and what happened, or write a report about one of the four countries that took refugees off the MS St. Louis (England, France, Belgium and Holland). What happened to these countries in the war?
9. VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words: Instantaneous, commandment, violation, mutineers, sympathise, desist, exertion, odyssey, euphoria, humiliating, sluicing, asylum and conspiring.
10. FLIPGRID - What do you think is going to happen at the end of the story? Do you think everyone is going to survive? Add your thoughts to this FLIPGRID. https://flipgrid.com/596ae5
11. MINECRAFT - Create the Immigration Detention Center that Mahmoud and his father were taken to.
BONUS TASKS - Syrian Journey: Chose your escape route activity, or read Level 3 November, School Journal article on Syrian refugees.
SLOW CHAT QUESTION - (Posted on Monday morning at 9am)
* Why do you think countries have war and conflict? What can we do to avoid repeat wars in the future?
CC12 REFUGEE - Y7/8, W5: Tasks & Questions
W5: Pages 192-235
TASKS - Choose from the following...
1. ART - Draw a picture of Mahmoud floating in the water with the phone above his head in an attempt to get attention, or a picture of all the life jackets piled up on shore in Lesbos, or draw the taxi driver pointing a gun at Mahmoud's family.
2. Design a missing person's poster for Hana. TWINKL TEMPLATE
3. Make a Diorama of your favourite scene from the story.
4. MATHS - Plan a trip from Greece to Germany. Use TRIP ADVISOR to book all your accomodation and add up the costs. You need to stay in at least 5 different countries.
5. RESEARCH - Research one of the countries mentioned on Mahmoud's journey (Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungry). Or research Sharks. BONUS Shark Attack Activity. TWINKL TEMPLATE
6. HANDS-ON - iPhones are very important in the story. Use a net and make your own iPhone.
7. WRITING - Write a letter to the New Zealand Prime Minister asking for New Zealand to accept more refugees. Apparently you can write for free, here's the address:
The Prime Minister of New Zealand
Freepost Parliament
PO Box 18888
8. VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words: Insensible, epaulets, pantomimed, stagnant, climactic, disintegrating, tourniquet, and disembark.
9. FLIPGRID - Why did the tourists not like the refugees? What do you think of refugees? Add your thoughts to this FLIPGRID. https://flipgrid.com/cebf61
10. MINECRAFT - Create one of the train stations that Mahmoud and his family pass through on their way to Germany.
(Posted on Monday morning at 9am)
* Do you think New Zealand should take more refugees? Explain your thoughts.
Y7/8, W4: Tasks & Questions
Pages 147-191
TASKS - Choose from the following...
1. ART - Draw a picture of Mahmoud and his mother floating in the Mediterranean Sea. Or draw a picture of Josef’s father in the water and sharks circling him. Or draw Isabel’s boat making it to the Bahamas.
2. Make a poster with the slogan, “Fight against the impossible and win’.
3. Act out your favourite scene from the story so far. Video or record it on Puppet Pals so everyone can see it.
4. Tracking the characters - TWINKL TEMPLATE https://www.twinkl.co.nz/…/nz2-e-52484-term-1-week-4-year-7…
5. RESEARCH - Isabel’s grandmother had died in a huge cyclone. Research cyclones. How do they form? What damage can they cause? Where do they strike the most? Or research the Bahamas or the Mediterranean Sea.
6. HANDS-ON - Mahmoud and his family lost their raft and had to stay afloat in the sea. Use your school pool and see how long you can stay afloat? Can you stay afloat for longer than 10 minutes?
7. WRITING - Look at the 16 different photos and record your thinking. What do you think they are going through? How do you think it feels to be in their situation?
8. VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words: Quarantine, intimidate, haphazard, commotion, parched, political, gratitude, consoled, condemning and incoherently. BONUS VOCAB: Spanish Words - TWINKL TEMPLATE
9. FLIPGRID - If you were Mahmoud’s mother would you have handed Hana over to the strangers on the boat? What do you think was going through her mind? Add your thoughts to this FLIPGRID. https://flipgrid.com/d6a3ec
10. MINECRAFT - Create the boat that Isabel and her family are travelling on.
SLOW CHAT QUESTIONS (Posted on Monday morning at 9am). Students can tweet their answers at anytime during the week without time restraints. Students can read what others are saying and add their thoughts.
* Why do you think the author decided to tell the story through 3 different characters? Do you like the way it switched from story to story?
CC12 REFUGEE - Y7/8, W3: Tasks & Questions
W3 (W5): 26th - 2nd March, pages 104-146
W3: Pages 104-146
TASKS - Choose from the following...
1. ART - Draw a picture of the tanker bearing down on Isabel and her family in the boat. Or draw the MS St. Louis anchored outside Havana or draw Mahmoud and his family in the raft.
2. Make a Kahoot with at least 20 questions about the story. Add to it as the story goes on.
3. Make a comic strip of your favourite scene so far.
4. MATHS - Syrian pounds to NZ dollars. TWINKL TEMPLATE
5. RESEARCH - Research Jewish traditions. How are they different to your own?
6. HANDS-ON - Make your own makeshift shelter for Mahmoud and his family to sleep in.
7. WRITING - Make a poem about the book Refugee. It could be Acrostic, Hikau, Rhyming, 5 senses poem....
8. VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words: Ominous, swastika, sacrilege, leviathan, behemoth, amidships, contagious and inconsolable.
9. FLIPGRID - Which journey do you think is the hardest so far? Why? Add your thoughts to this FLIPGRID. https://flipgrid.com/f85495
10. MINECRAFT - Create a Refugee Camp.
SLOW CHAT QUESTION (Posted on Monday morning at 9am)
* Do you think the families have made the right decision to leave their countries and become refugees? Why?
1. Can you please share any tasks that you have completed this week. Try and leave a reply on someone else's creation.
2. “Mahmoud wished Waleed would show a little of the old crazy again” Why do you think Waleed is so different now?
3. What happens between Papa and Schiendick? Do you think this will impact the plot? Explain your answer.
4. What happened to SeƱor Castillo? What did Isabel do when this happened? What would have you done?
5. Why did the man in the car help Mahmoud’s family? What would you have done?
6. How did Josef help his father get through the inspection? How has their relationship changed?
7. Do you think Josef and his family will be allowed into Cuba? What do you think is going to happen?
8. What is the next obstacle Isabel and her family are going to face? Do you think they are regretting their decision to leave Cuba?
9. Mahmoud said the boat trip was worse than Aleppo. Why did he say this? Do you think the boat trip is worth the risk?
10. Mahmoud’s boat hits a rock and he falls into the sea. What do you think will happen next?
CC12 REFUGEE - Y7/8, W2: Tasks & Questions
TASKS - Choose from the following...
1. ART - Draw a the portrait of Hitler that hung in first-class social hall on the ship, or draw the mural painted on the side of the gas station of President Assad, or draw a picture of Fidel Castro on the sign on the bottom of the boat.
2. Pretend you are the CNN reporter on the beach when Isabel and her family were leaving. Write and record a news report about what was happening.
3. Create Mahmoud’s passport he used to enter Turkey with.
4. RESEARCH - Research one of the three leaders in the story - Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro or Bashar al Assad. Present your findings in a poster, slideshow or video.
5. HANDS-ON - Make your own miniature boat to escape Cuba on. Will it float? Try it out in your school pool.
6. WRITING - Pretend that war has broken out in your neighbourhood/town/city. What are you going to do? Are you going to stay or leave? What are you going to take with you? Where are you going to go? How are you going to live? Write a story about what it would be like and the decisions you make.
7. VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words: Bar mitzvah, hijab, apocalypse, perversion, radical, tyrant, paranoia, synagogue, diminutive, fuhrer, flirtatious, oppressive and dissidents.
8. FLIPGRID - Which Character do you identify with the most? Which character do you like the most? Add your thoughts to this FLIPGRID. https://flipgrid.com/abc00e
9. MINECRAFT - Create the St Louis ship that Josef and his family were travelling on.
(Posted on Monday morning at 9am)
* Whose life do you think is the most difficult, Josef, Mahmoud or Isabel's? If you had to choice one of the character's lives, which one would you choice?
SLOW CHAT QUESTION - Whose life do you think is the most difficult, Josef, Mahmoud or Isabel's? If you had to choice one of the character's lives, which one would you choice?
1. Can you please share any tasks that you have completed this week. Try and leave a reply on someone else's creation.
2. What was life like on the MS St. Louis? How did Joseph and his father’s opinion of the boat differ?
3. Why were there so many boats on the beach in Havana? What obstacles do you think Isabel, her family and the Castillos might run into along the way?
4. “The soldiers might be with the Syrian army, or with the Syrian rebels. They could even be Daesh. It was hard to tell anymore”. How might this be a problem for Mahmoud’s family?
5. Josef overheard a conversation about needing to race toward Cuba. What do you think this will mean for Josef?
6. Whose face was staring up at the passengers in the boat? Why do you think the author made this decision?
7. What was the Refugee camp like? Why did it seem like everyone was having fun?
8. What was life like below the decks of the MS St. Louis? Why did Joseph say it was like the real world?
9. “I didn’t leave when Castro took over in 1959, I didn’t leave when the US sent planes in the ‘70s, and I didn’t leave in the ‘80s when all those people sailed out of Mariel Harbor” Why do you think Lito decided to leave now? Is he regretting his decision?
10. Do you think the tanker will hit their boat? What do you think will happen next?
Week 1 (Week 2 of school) - This officially starts in Week 3 when we are at camp, so we will not participate in the Friday Twitter Chat this week.
W1: Pages 1-55
TASKS - Choose from the following...
1. ART - Draw a picture of the three main characters in their home settings (Josef - Berlin, Isabel - Havana,
Mahmoud - Aleppo).
Mahmoud - Aleppo).
2. Create a map showing the 3 locations in the story (Berlin - Germany, Havana - Cuba, Aleppo - Syria)
3. Create a mind map of the story so far. Split your map into three sections, one for each story. Your mind
map should include the dates, locations, characters and plots of the stories so far. Make sure to add in the
conflict that is happening in each story. Why are they leaving?
map should include the dates, locations, characters and plots of the stories so far. Make sure to add in the
conflict that is happening in each story. Why are they leaving?
4. Pretend you are Fidel Castro and record yourself saying his special message. Make sure you write down
your script first.
your script first.
5. RESEARCH - Research the history of either Germany, Cuba or Syria. How have they changed over
time? Present in a poster, video or slideshow.
time? Present in a poster, video or slideshow.
6. HANDS-ON - Make the bright yellow Star of David armbands that the Landaus family wore on the train.
7. WRITING - Pretend you are either Josef, Isabel or Mahmoud and start a diary of your journey. Add to it
as the story goes on. Or write the telegram Josef’s father sent his family.
as the story goes on. Or write the telegram Josef’s father sent his family.
8. VOCABULARY - Find the meanings of the following words: Bureaus, recoiled, dismissive, promenade,
indignation, pandemonium, truncheon, melodious, catatonic and anecdotes.
indignation, pandemonium, truncheon, melodious, catatonic and anecdotes.
9. FLIPGRID - What do you think of the story so far? What do you think is going to happen? Add your
thoughts to this FLIPGRID. https://flipgrid.com/041cad
thoughts to this FLIPGRID. https://flipgrid.com/041cad
10. MINECRAFT - Create the Dachau concentration camp that Josef’s father was sent to. Or make the
Lehrter Bahnhof, Berlin’s main railway station. (An amazing building)
Lehrter Bahnhof, Berlin’s main railway station. (An amazing building)
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