Thursday, 22 February 2018

What Mindset do I have?

During personalised learning in Week 5, you need to read this article and answer the following questions in the comment thread below. 

  1. What is a mindset and why is it important?
  2. After reading the article what are the key things to having a growth mindset?
  3. Do you think it is possible to have both a fixed mindset and a growth mindset at the same time?


  1. 1. a mindset is a state of mind that you have control over whether it be positive or negative it is important because it is your state of mind and you can change it

    2. having a growth mindset requires you to be persistent, to learn from failures, be curious and open-minded and focus on the learning process not the achievement

    3. it is not possible to have a fixed and growth mindset because a fixed mindset means you have a fixed approach at life e.g everything has to be this way and it can't be another way and a growth mindset means you have varied approaches to life e.g it could be this way however it could also be this way.

  2. 1) A mindset is an attitude or a belief that we have about something. Some mindsets are negative (saying that you can’t do something) and some mindsets are positive
    (saying that you can do something). Some mindsets are based on stereotypes or generalisms and these may change as time goes on. It will change as people continue to usu a growth mindset and break these opinions of how things should be. Mindsets are important because occasionally they affect the way we live or the way we think about something. Our mindsets reflect in our attitude towards certain components of life.

    2) These are some keys points to ensure that you have a growth mindset:

    Be open-minded and curious in our attitudes to life.
    Always be open to learning and trying new skills.
    Also make sure that you always enjoy the challenge that this new experience brings.
    To learn from our failures and mistakes because they can teach us more than our triumphs.
    To focus on the learning process and not just on the result or achievement.
    Always remember that the brain is like a muscle, the more you use it and the more you learn, the more it grows!

    3) I don’t think that it is possible to have both a fixed and a growth mindset at the same time. It is not possible to have two contradicting attitudes on life at the same time. Also, if you have a fixed mindset and believe that all your skills have already been given to you, then you can’t also believe that you can grow, improve and learn new skills.

  3. Growth mindset article
    What is a mindset and why is it important? A mindset is a belief or an attitude that you have about something. It is the way that you and your brain looks at things. This can be shaped and changed all throughout your life, and some things that change it are beliefs, cultures, hobbies, and people you surround yourself with. A mindset is important because it helps you believe in yourself. You can make your mindset what is called a “growth mindset,” and this means you believe that you can improve and get better at everything you do. A mindset is important because it reflects on your attitude, which reflects on your emotions, work, focus, and many more

    After reading this article, what are the key things to having a growth mindset? I think that there are a lot of key things to having a growth mindset. Some of these are; being curious and open-minded to new things, enjoy challenges, have a positive attitude and learning from our mistakes. Learning from failures is a big part of having a growth mindset. If when you make a mistake you just think “oh I’m so bad at this,” you will never learn. Resilience is a great skill to have and use in everyday life. You must remember - the brain is like a muscle. If you don't exercise it, it will never grow. Remember, always keep trying and never give up.

    Do you think it is possible to have both a fixed mindset and a growth mindset at the same time? No I don't think this is possible, and I think this for many reasons. A growth mindset and a fixed mindset are two opposite things. The former is always believing that you can improve, and the latter is convincing yourself that the skills and intelligence in life are gifted to some people and not others. It is not possible to have two contradictory mindsets at the exact same time. Imaging that it is a Netball game. You are supporting New Zealand, and the other team is Australia. Is it possible to equally, wholeheartedly support both teams at the same time? No. The same is true with mindsets

  4. Growth Mindset

    1.A mindset is a belief or attitude that we have about something. Some mindsets are negative but others can be positive. Sometimes our mindset can be about our culture, history or where we live, they can change as life goes on. It is important because our attitude is reflected in our mindset and whatever our mindset is it it shapes how we look at life.

    2.The key thing to having a growth mindset is understanding that we have the ability to think differently about ourselves, which creates new opportunities for us. It is important to be curious, open minded and focus not only on your success but your failures as well.

    3. I don’t think that you can have a growth and fixed mindset because it is not possible to agree and disagree with yourself at the same time. Each one looks at life in a different way completely opposite to the other. If you have a growth mindset you focus more on what you can do to improve, wheres if you had a fixed mindset you measure yourself based on the results.

  5. A mind set is what we believe in or what attitude we have towards something.
    First, they believe that their talent can be changed throughout their life if they try hard, compared to 'fixed mindset', growth mindset gives you more opportunity to develop and learn. we learn to value the hard work in others and also what ourselves have done. Always believe in yourself is the most important part of a growth mindset.
    I personally think that it is actually possible, because someone can be extremely serious about a little test as well as to develop themselves and the team with friendship and leadership.

  6. 1. A mindset is a belief, a view that we have or how we look at something. It can affect our outlook on life and whether it’s positive or negative.. Sometimes it can be influenced by our culture or the place we live. It may also be influenced stereotypes. It’s important to know that we can change our mindsets by knowing that we can think differently about the things and people around us. You can create new doors of opportunity for yourself and learn new skills if you believe and tell yourself you can.

    2. Some of the key things to having a growth mindset are; having a healthy, positive attitude towards learning new things, supporting yourself and telling yourself you CAN do it or you can’t do it YET, focusing on the process of learning something, not the result and learning from your mistakes.

    3. No, I don’t believe it’s possible to have two conflicting outlooks on life. I think you have either a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. You can’t be telling yourself “This is so hard” and “I can’t do it”, as well as “I can do this” and “I believe in myself”. A fixed mindset means you believe that your talents and abilities have already been given you, if you have a growth mindset you believe you can grow your mind and learn new things and improve. You can have one or the other but not both.

  7. 1.It is very important to have a growth mind set because it allows you to discover something new and learn too.
    2. To accept risky things or try to learn.
    3.I personally think yes because it means you can challenging yourself at the same time as having limits.

  8. 1. A mindset is a belief or an attitude that we have about someone or something. It also gives you the ability to think and improve your learning. Also you can learn new things. It is important because if you don't have it you wont learn as much stuff and it means that you will learn differently. If you didn't have a mindset you cant learn as much as normal.

    2.One of the key things is that you know a lot of things but if you stop learning things you loss the neurons in that area so you lose that knowledge. Also you don't doubt your self. that you keep your knowledge for longer when you are not practising.

    3.I personal think that you can have both because you can doubt your self and you can learn at the same time like if you think you cant throw a ball but when you try you are learning to throw just slowly.

  9. 1. Your mindset is basically your opinion and without an opinion you won't care about anything and you would be the exact same as the person next to you. Without an opinion you wouldn't have personality. That is why your mindset is so important

    2. The key things to having a growth mindset are dedication and hard work. If you want to have a understanding of a certain skill and you need to keep practicing and practicing to gain that skill.
    So if you keep practicing and practicing you could learn/understand anything you want. That’s why you need determination and a hard working mindset.

    3. Having a fixed and growth mindset is possible but really hard because when you have a fixed mindset you see a test result as how intelligent they are. People with fixed mindset believe they can’t learn anything more than they already know but when you have a growth mindset you are always learning. If you were to have both you would need to have a fixed mindset but push yourself hard to learn new things.

  10. 1. a mindset is either a negative or positive attitude towards a certain thing we may do or say. They can be about many things including stereo types, our culture & world events. Most things that people say may not be true for example the saying that women can't be doctors, this is obviously not true because if you were to search up famous female doctors there would be many results

    2. The most important thing about having a growth mindset is being able to reflect o your mistakes, rather than your sucesses because your mistakes teach you what you did wrong and why not to repeat what you did. even though your success are important by giving you a boost of confidence and showing you how to solve the problem they do not always help you, because the end result is not the most important rather the learning process is.

    3. I think having both a fixed and growth mindset may be possible but is possible because it means that you may sometimes only judge yourself by what you got as a result and other times you may reflect on the process of learning process as-well.

  11. 1. Your mindset is your opinion of something, whether that be yourself, or another object or person. It's important because a growth mindset allows to think differently about yourself and others, and because of this we can grow and learn new skills. An example of the opposite of this, a Fixed Mindset, would be someone receiving back test results and thinking that their intelligence stated on the paper is their actual intelligence, rather than their knowledge at that point in time.

    2. Here are some key points to having a growth mindset:

    Being curious and open-minded,
    Staying open to learning new skills and to be enjoying the challenge,
    Learning from your failures,
    Focusing on the learning process, not the achievement,
    and remembering that the brain is like a muscle, the more we use it, the more it grows.

    3.In my opinion, No, as you generally only have one opinion of yourself and others, and each mindset pushes you to involve everything in that mindsets context.E.g: If you have a fixed mindset, and you think negatively of yourself, you will eventually treat everything in a negative context. The only way to stop this, would be to change your opinion of everything at once, meaning you can't have both at once. But if you find a way to have both, then it would be very, very hard.

  12. 1. A mindset is your attitude or opinion, or the way you think. Everyone has a different mindset so they think differently to others. But if we don't have a mindset we can't think, and if we can't think we will be walking deads, people who doesn't have personalities. Imagine the world with everyone the same, that is very creepy.

    The key things to have a growth mindset is to learn from your mistakes and do it better next time. Beinging open minded and want to learn new things. Keep trying on things and do not give up.

    In my opinion it is a no, because if you have two different ways to think at one time, that would be really really hard. e.g. On the pamper pole, I reached the top but I am scared to jump down. The growth mindset me said:"Go jump down!" But the fixed mindset me said:" If you jump you will die!" I will be very confused and stressed.

  13. 1. a mindset is basically your attitude towards anything you do. everybody has a
    different mindset. some people have a bad mindset some people have a good mindset
    and sometimes it just depends on how you've been brought up.

    2. I think the key things to having a growth mindset is believing in yourself, always
    learning from your mistakes, and don't ever give up in yourself.

    3. I think that it is a no and personally I think you should never have a fixed
    mindset mainly because you will never push yourself and there is always a chance
    that someone can get better at something they are doing.

  14. 1. A mindset is an attitude that we have about something. Some people have a positive mindset or a negative mindset.Everyone has a different mindset from others so we think differently to others. This is why we can learn new things and skills.

    2. The think the key things to having a growth mindset is always keep trying and don't give up, learning from your mistakes and having fun in challenges to level up your skill.

    3. I think that it is a no because you can't think about two things at once. Its like if you were thinking about what you were going to do at lunch time when your doing a test you might get a easy question wrong because your thinking about that more than your test and you might not be able to pass your grade.

  15. 1) A mindset is a belief or an attitude you have about something. It is the way your brain look at things. You can have a positive or negative mindset.It is important because they affect the way we think and are attitude toward things.

    2) The key things to have a growth mindset, be curious and open-minded in our attitudes,
    learn from our failures, focus on the learning process, not t the achievement and remember that the brain is like a muscle – the more we use it, the more it grows.

    3) In my opinion it is possible to have to a fixed and a growth mindset, because you can doubt yourself and learn from your mistakes at the same time. Because it possible to had a different mindset toward a different thing e.g a fixed mindset towards sports and a growth mindset towards school work.
