Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Week 5 Writing

The BFG - Shared writing

LI: Use powerful verbs

  • highlight the verbs
  • see which verbs can be made more interesting/powerful
  • edit the paragraph
  • read the paragraph aloud to see how powerful it is

She couldn't move her eyes away. She kept looking forwards to get a better view. She quickly drew her head back from the window, inside her room. She ran back and hid under the covers. She pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She waited for a bit to make sure the monster would disappear. 

She couldn't avert her eyes away. She kept edging forwards to get a better view. She quickly snapped her head back from the window, inside her room. She stumbled back and dove under the covers. She pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She held her breath and waited in suspense for a bit to make sure the monster would disappear. 

Thursday, 22 February 2018

What Mindset do I have?

During personalised learning in Week 5, you need to read this article and answer the following questions in the comment thread below. 

  1. What is a mindset and why is it important?
  2. After reading the article what are the key things to having a growth mindset?
  3. Do you think it is possible to have both a fixed mindset and a growth mindset at the same time?

Enjoying our Pre-Lesson for Waterwise

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Environmental Issues Ideas

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Our Sophisticated Picture Book

LI: Create a metaphoric sentence for our poem


  • Text must portray your wish for the future, based on past or present
  • Describe the wish through a metaphor 
  • Text must conform to the style of 'Prayer'
  • Text must be two lines and start with 'May' (the second line CAN, but doesn't have to)
LI: Create a static image for our sentence

  • The topic word of the sentence must be in bold 
  • The bold word is on a blank, colourful section
  • The picture must portray the message
  • It can be literal or implied
  • Pictures are outlined in black pen
  • No white on page
  • Must use coloured pencil
  • Spacing must be well thought out
  • Everything on the page must be there for a reason 
* Refugees - Will and Dan
* Trees/habitats being cut down/deforestation - Aislinn and Josh
* War/conflict - Zifan and Isabella
* Oceanic pollution - Sofia and Anusha
* Animal cruelty - Jayda and Cooper
* Environmental issues - Colden and Zenith
* Cities taking over nature - Gabby and Olivia
* Social media influence - Zoe and Julian
* Slavery - Tayla and Jordan
* Homelessness/Poverty/Money - Matt, Jiyuan, Cate
* Natural Disasters - Henry and Kaya
* Not letting technology take over the world - Kessia and Tyler

School Councillors

Well done!

School Councillors: Colden and Sofia
Vice Councillors: Zenith and Zoe

Thursday, 8 February 2018


Term 1 Inquiry - Responsible Citizenship: Participating and Contributing as a Citizen 

Our chosen topic is:

Environmental Issues

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